The project DOMMINIO, - "Digital method for imprOved Manufacturing of next-generation MultIfuNctIOnal airframe parts," commenced on January 20, 2021. Our dedicated researchers are committed on crafting an inventive, data-driven methodology that spans the design, manufacturing, maintenance, and pre-certification of multifunctional and intelligent airframe parts. Our vision is well-defined: to achieve cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable manufacturing of high-quality aircraft components, leveraging the following technologies: • Robotic Technologies (ATL, FFF) for precision manufacturing, • Advanced Simulation Tools for optimized performance, • Online Process & Quality Monitoring for real-time insights, • Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) with data-driven fault detection capabilities.

Our consortium feverishly continues its dissemination activities and proudly released its 5th episode “Ask The Researcher” where our researcher, Nick Martindale, delves into the project, emphasizing the pivotal role played by BAE Systems and the project's contribution to the European Civil Society. Additionally, the 4th DOMMINIO newsletter is out, presenting our latest milestone, "Online process control for high-quality automated manufacturing - WP4".
As we approach the culmination of our remarkable journey in the final semester, the DOMMINIO partnership will gather for the M36 meeting in Madrid to review and discuss the progress made thus far and the next steps.
For more information and regular updates on the DOMMINIO project, visit the DOMMINIO official website and DOMMINIO social media pages: LinkedIn | Twitter |Youtube | ZENODO
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.