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Next-Generation Military Integrated Modular Avionics

The NG-MIMA (Next-Generation Military Integrated Modular Avionics) project addresses critical needs for the future of military avionics. The project’s scope focuses on identifying new high-level architecture principles for multi-domain operations and security. Pinpointing key technologies required for next-generation architecture solutions. Enhancing data sharing and processing capabilities in military avionics systems, with a system-of-systems approach tailored to defense-related missions. NG-MIMA aims to revolutionize military airborne platforms, paving the way for cutting-edge integrated modular avionics systems designed to meet the demands of modern defense missions and shorter development cycles.

The NG-MIMA project was launched during a two-day event held on December 17-18, 2024 at the INDRA premises in Madrid, Spain. The event included the Project Kick-Off Meeting, General Assembly, and the NG-MIMA WP2 Kick-Off Meeting, bringing together all consortium partners to align on project objectives and begin collaborative efforts.

ng-mima kick-off meeting

During the kick-off meeting, the NG-MIMA team set the stage for NG-MIMA by ensuring alignment of participants on the project’s overarching objectives and activities, presenting a comprehensive overview of the NG-MIMA project, establishing ways of working within the consortium and fostering team-building among NG-MIMA partners.

The General Assembly meeting provided a platform for high-level discussions and decision-making, enabling effective coordination among the project’s key stakeholders. 

NG-MIMA WP2 Kick-Off Meeting focused on aligning participants on WP2 objectives and activities, presenting a detailed description of the work package, and officially commencing work on this critical aspect of the project. The main objective of the WP2 is to make a high-level assessment of the potential architecture drivers so as to identify the main requirements and KPIs for NG-MIMA architecture(s), which will be taken as reference during the entire project.

ng-mima wp2 kickoff

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