EASN newsletter

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New end-to-end digital framework for optimized manufacturing and maintenance of next generation aircraft composite structures

The GENEX consortium was especially active in dissemination efforts in the last four months. First, Ashish Bhole from KTH Royal Institute of Technology presented findings from the GENEX project at the 9th ECCOMAS Congress, held in Lisbon, Portugal from June 3-7, 2024. His presentation focused on high-performance computing for wave propagation in elastic and piezoelectric media using Dolfin-HPC.

Additionally, GENEX collaborated with its "sister projects"— DOMMINIO ProjectSUSTAINair - Sustainable aerospace value chainsCAELESTIS - Next Generation AircraftINFINITE - EU ProjectMORPHO —to produce a promotional video. These six projects share a unified vision: the sustainable digitalization of European manufacturing. Together, they are developing advanced digital technologies aimed at revolutionizing the design, production, repair, and recycling of airframe and engine components. In the above-mentioned promotional video, the coordinators of the six projects, Andrea Calvo-Echenique, PhDPablo Romero RodríguezPeio OlaskoagaCristian Builes Cárdenas, Ph.DMechbal Nazih, and Gerald Prantl present each project's approach targeting at advanced digital technologies to change how airframe and engine parts are designed, manufactured and maintained towards a sustainable and smart aviation tech. The promotional video is available through the GENEX YouTube channel. The video premiered at the ILA Berlin - Pioneering Aerospace on June 5.

genex video


Then, GENEX was presented at the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform event where the SUSTAINair - Sustainable aerospace value chains final conference on "Circular Aviation in the EU" was held in Vienna on June 11.  Dr. Andrea Calvo-Echenique, the GENEX coordinator, presented the project's objectives and technologies. Furthermore, she highlighted the collaborative efforts with sister projects, including DOMMINIO, INFINITE, MORPHO, CAELESTIS, and SUSTAINair, aimed at the sustainable digitalization of European aviation manufacturing. Visit the GENEX website to see the banner that was presented at the event.

genex sustainair

Javier Hernández Oliván (ITA) presented a study conducted within the GENEX project at the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM) 2024. The study focused on monitoring delamination in a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) substrate during a standard static test, using Ultrasonic Guided Waves (UGW) in combination with Piezoceramic (PZT) and Macro Fiber Composite (MFC) sensors. Dive into the GENEX newsletter | Issue 1 to discover more about this study.

Dr. Andrea Calvo-Echenique also participated in Working Groups 5 and 6 of the HISTRATE – COST Action CA21155 project, focused on "Multi-modal Sensing for Impact Detection & Damage Characterization." In this forum, the GENEX coordinator delivered an insightful presentation showcasing the significant advancements achieved within the GENEX project. To gain an overview of the presented work, viewers are encouraged to watch the project's first promotional video.

Finally, Camilo Prieto (AIMEN Centro Tecnológico), representing the GENEX project, presented the work conducted on surface condition analysis for the repair of composite materials at the 3rd Laser-Induced Breakdown Science (LIBS) and Technology Workshop.

genex aimen 3rd Laser-Induced Breakdown Science (LIBS) and Technology Workshop


Stay abreast of all the latest updates on the GENEX project by visiting our website and subscribing to the project newsletter.


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.