The iFACT-MP project, which stands for iodine Fed Advanced Cusp field Thruster for Mid-Power, commenced in January 2024. This 24-month initiative, funded by HADEA, aims to strengthen Europe’s leading role in iodine electric propulsion (EP). Its main goal is to develop a thruster subsystem that utilizes iodine fuel within the 3-5 kW power range, while also addressing all essential components necessary for the successful implementation of an iodine EP subsystem.
The first iFACT-MP Newsletter was released a few days ago, providing updates on the progress of each work package, summarizing key achievements, challenges, and next steps. Over the past year, all teams worked on finalising the specifications and detailed designs of each component, conducting major reviews, and ensuring uniform integration of the components. Currently, the project is in the procurement and manufacturing phases, with the testing phase expected to commence soon. The next milestones will include subsystem integration, coupling tests, and the final 500h endurance test expected by the end of the year.

Following the release of the first episode on the “Ask the Researchers” series, featuring our project coordinator Gerrit Kottke, who outlined the role of Airbus Friedrichshafen in the project, we are currently working on the second video of the series. Episode 2 will highlight the work of the Fraunhofer IKTS team, narrated by Ms. Katja Wätzig, who is a Senior Scientist at Fraunhofer IKTS in Dresden, Germany, that develops high-performance ceramics for a broad range of applications. While the iFACT-MP project aims to develop an electric propulsion subsystem using Iodine as propellant. For this subsystem, Airbus Friedrichshafen develops and tests the cathode, whilst the Fraunhofer IKTS team focuses on the electron emitting ceramic, which is the functional component as hollow cathode in the subsystem.
Upcoming events:
The iFACT-MP project will participate in the following events in the upcoming months:
• 39th International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC), London
• IEEE Conference, Barcelona
• 15th EASN International Conference, Madrid
For more information and regular updates regarding the iFACT-MP project, we invite you to visit the project’s official website and social media page on LinkedIn.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor HaDEA can be held responsible for them.