HERWINGT at AIAA SciTech Forum in Orlando!
On January 9, at the Clean Aviation Special Session on Innovative Aircraft Concepts and Novel Configurations, Sebastián Pellicer Sotomayor, Project Coordinator of HERWINGT, provided an overview of the project. Find the presentation slides here.
HERWINGT Project at the JEC World Exhibition 2025
MTorres, represented by Coro Garcia, presented the HERWINGT poster to key industrial players at the JEC World Exhibition. More than 1,350 exhibitors, from major corporations to startups, are expected to attend, with a record attendance of 45,000 professionals from over 100 countries.

Design and Optimization of a Compliant Morphing Trailing Edge for High-Lift Generation
The dedicated team from CIRA, a proud beneficiary of the HERWINGT project, just published their work on 'Design and Optimization of a Compliant Morphing Trailing Edge for High-Lift Generation' in Applied Sciences MDPI, as part of the Special Issue "Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Aerospace Applications. This work reports on the genetic-algorithm based optimization design applied to a novel compliant morphing trailing edge flap suitable for a high-aspect ratio wing for the next generation Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft (HERA). Read the full article here.
Strut-Wing Junction Optimization: Amazing video on flow filed!
Within WP4.3 of the HERWINGT project, Emanuele Sticchi (TU Delft | Aerospace Engineering) presents the simulation results from their preliminary study on optimizing the strut-wing junction. The team at TU Delft conducted a comprehensive aerodynamic and aeroacoustic analysis of a propeller-driven, strut-braced wing aircraft under low-speed, high-lift conditions, offering valuable insights into the performance of this unconventional configuration.
This study delves into the complex interactions between the propeller wake and the wing, as well as the aeroacoustic footprint during takeoff, which are crucial for both efficiency and noise impact. The findings provide a deeper understanding of how these factors influence aircraft design, particularly in terms of lift, drag, and noise propagation.
Watch the video here to see the flow field illustrating key aerodynamic features and the dilation field around the aircraft.
The analysis was performed using PowerFLOW for CFD simulations and OptydB for far-field aeroacoustic evaluation, both from 3DS SIMULIA, on the Dutch national supercomputer Snellius. These findings contribute to the ongoing effort to develop more efficient, quieter, and sustainable aircraft.

Flow field visualization
Stay tuned as HERWINGT continues to push the boundaries of aerospace innovation, leading the way to a greener future!
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The project is supported by the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking and its members.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor Clean Aviation JU can be held responsible for them.