AREANA WP1: “R&I Aviation programs synergies”, forms an indispensable part of the AREANA Horizon Europe project, which addresses the call for "Aviation research synergies between Horizon Europe, AZEA and National programs". AREANA WP1 focuses on coordinating & supporting synergies between European, National and Regional R&I aviation programs, while also considering the available research infrastructure. It also aims at facilitating joint calls or other co-funding mechanisms that align EU, National and Regional activities in specific fields, and accelerate the update and sharing of aviation technology infrastructures in the European Research Area. This will accelerate the transition to carbon-neutral aviation in line with the European Vision and Flight Path 2050.
Different small-scale, quickly implementable methods and tools for joint transnational research calls are developed. The idea is to widen the acceptance of joint calls, by offering tailor-made solutions which may be attractive to different groups of funding bodies. Firstly, the current research funding and infrastructure landscape is mapped and analyzed. A dedicated survey has been recently conducted, aimed at gathering valuable insights from National and Regional funding bodies, regarding existing funding opportunities, joint calls and possible options for research strategy coordination. The survey results will be evaluated and considered during development of new exemplary call designs.
Stay tuned for the AREANA WP1 latest progress, achievements and outcomes! Our website will be up and running soon!
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.