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Hydrogen lightweight & innovative tank for zero-emission aircraft

The H2ELIOS team has made significant advancements in sustainable aviation recently, setting new benchmarks in this field. We're excited to share with you an overview of our latest groundbreaking developments:

H2ELIOS at H2CAT Innovation Summit

Τhe H2ELIOS team participatied in "Catalonia H2 Week" at the H2CAT Innovation Summit. There, members of the consortium highlighted the H2ELIOS project, in a collaboration with CTTC-UPC, focusing on sustainable aviation innovations. This platform allowed to emphasize the project’s commitment to hydrogen technology in aviation.


First Review Meeting in Madrid

H2ELIOS achieved a significant milestone with the first Review Meeting in Madrid, Spain. This event brought together the team, Clean Aviation officers, and experts to review the progress in the initial six months. The positive feedback from this meeting bolsters the project’s journey in hydrogen-powered aviation innovation.


Steering and Technical Committee Meetings in Capua
The 2nd Steering and 4th Technical Committee Meeting in Capua, Italy, marked another important step. Facilitated by CIRA, these meetings focused on evaluating the progress and strategizing future steps. Discussions during these sessions furthered the team’s commitment to sustainable aviation technologies.


h2helios meetings


As H2ELIOS continues to lead in sustainable aviation, the team is enthusiastic about the future and the potential of hydrogen technology in transforming the industry.

Stay tuned for more groundbreaking developments.For more information and regular updates regarding H2ELIOS, visit the project’s official website and social media pages: LinkedIn | Twitter


clean aviation


The project is supported by the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking and its members.​

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor Clean Aviation JU can be held responsible for them.