In mid-October 2023, the HERWINGT consortium convened for the inaugural Intermediate Review at the premises of the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (CAJU). The project's advancements were thoroughly scrutinized, and the feedback from reviewers proved to be both rewarding and encouraging. Since then, the HERWINGT (Hybrid Electric Regional Wing Integration Novel Green Technologies) partners have redoubled their efforts, diligently working towards the upcoming milestones.
Scientifically speaking, the HERWINGT consortium was particularly activated in the last three months of the year. Three scientific papers were authored and submitted by the HERWINGT partners TU Delft | Aerospace Engineering and CIRA - Italian Aerospace Research Centre. The first paper by TU Delft is entitled “Aeroelastic Tailoring Optimization of a Strut-Braced Wing for Medium Range Aircraft” and has been presented by Xavier Carrillo Córcoles at the 2024 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition. The second paper by TU Delft is entitled “Aerodynamic Noise Prediction of Strut-Braced Wing Aircraft” and it will be presented by Emanuele Sticchi at Aeroacoustics Conference 2024. The third paper by CIRA is entitled “Aero-structural design of a high-aspect-ratio wing” and it will be presented by Pietro Catalano at the 2024 AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition in July. These documents describe key elements that will play an important role in the implementation of HERWINGT.

Figure 1. Strut-braced wing with truss element (Moerland et al., 2017).
As the new year unfolds, the HERWINGT team is already hard at work, gearing up for the Annual Review meeting scheduled for February at the CAJU premises. Anticipation is high for HERWINGT in 2024, with promising developments kicking off with the release of the project's inaugural newsletter! Stay tuned for exciting updates and insights.
Join our online community on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay connected, and do not forget to visit the project's website for the latest updates and upcoming advancements. Stay in the loop with our progress!

The project is supported by the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking and its members.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor Clean Aviation JU can be held responsible for them.