The AREANA project (Aviation Research Ecosystem Advanced Novel Approach) has officially commenced on January 1st 2024. It addresses the call for "Aviation research synergies between Horizon Europe, AZEA and National programs" by providing advanced novel approaches to foster the European aviation research ecosystem. It encompasses three interconnected, yet thematically distinct parts:
Firstly, it will address the approaches to improving the coordination of aviation funding programs, by coordinating and supporting synergies between European, National, and Regional R&I aviation programs. The project aims to facilitate joint calls or other co-funding mechanisms that align EU, National and Regional activities in specific fields and accelerate the update and sharing of aviation technology infrastructures in the European Research Area.
Secondly, the upcoming Aerodays will be prepared.
Thirdly, AZEA (Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation) activities will be supported by conducting mappings and analysis, including the identification of potential technological and administrative gaps and lack of related R&I and standardization efforts, removing the obstacles for zero-emission aviation.
AREANA will help to sustain and foster the European aviation research ecosystem, thus helping to achieve the environmental goals while ensuring European competitiveness. This will be achieved by connecting and aligning different funding mechanisms, bringing together aviation stakeholders during the Aerodays and supporting the Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation.
The project’s Kick-off meeting successfully took place on January 30th 2024, in Brussels. All WP Leaders attended this fruitful gathering in the frame of which the upcoming AREANA activities, work-plan & interactions to be accomplished, were discussed and assembled. Stay tuned for more!